Application analysis of residual current operated protective devices in grounding system |
WEI Bo, DENG Yishuang, PU Chaohong, WANG Lingfeng, WEN Xiaochuan |
Zhejiang Tianzheng Smart Electrics Co., Ltd, Jiaxing, Zhejiang 314000 |
Abstract Residual current operated protective devices (RCD) has its applicability and strict wiring method in different grounding systems. Wrong selection of residual current operated protective devices or non-standard wiring will cause residual current operated protective devices to malfunction or refuse to operate, and even further cause personal electric shock and electrical fire accidents. Starting from the working principle of residual current operated protective devices, it focuses on the current vector analysis and calculation of electrical equipment, expounds the application characteristics of residual current operated protective devices in low-voltage power distribution grounding system, and quantitatively analyzes the influence of grounding system types on residual current operated protective devices. The analysis method of current vector provides a theoretical basis for the application of residual current operated protective devices.
Received: 17 November 2022
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WEI Bo,DENG Yishuang,PU Chaohong等. Application analysis of residual current operated protective devices in grounding system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(3): 58-63.
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