Modal and vibration response analysis of power module based on finite element method |
SUN Peiqi, CHEN Hang |
School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, Shenyang 110142 |
Abstract In order to deal with reliability of the power module in vibration environment, Solidworks software is used to conduct three-dimensional modeling of the power module, and the finite element simulation software is used to conduct modal analysis and harmonic response analysis of the model. On this basis, the effects of different substrate materials and thickness, and that on substrate solder stress and chip solder stress under random vibration are studied. The results show that when the substrate thickness increases from 1.5mm to 5mm, the substrate solder stress and chip solder stress tend to decrease, the successive influence degree of which is Cu substrate, Al substrate, AlSiC substrate stress. The influence of different directed bonding copper (DBC) solder on the stress of substrate solder is Ag3.5Sn96.5, Sn63Pb37, SAC305, and that on the stress of chip solder is Ag3.5Sn96.5, Sn63Pb37, SAC305.
Received: 16 March 2023
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SUN Peiqi,CHEN Hang. Modal and vibration response analysis of power module based on finite element method[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(5): 30-34.
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