Online monitoring device for transformer core and clamps grounding current |
WANG Bing, CHEN Yiping, XU Huasheng, LIANG Kairen |
Yulin Power Supply Bureau of Guangxi Power Grid Co., Ltd, Yulin, Guangxi 537000 |
Abstract Power transformer is an important equipment for electric energy transportation and power conversion. Its operation affects the safe operation of power grid. The multi-point grounding fault and partial discharge fault of power transformer harm the safety of power grid. Therefore, a transformer fault information fusion monitoring device is designed in this paper. Through monitoring the power frequency current and high frequency pulse current signal of the transformer core and the ground line of the clamp, it is analyzed that whether the power transformer has a fault and what kind of fault is. The device can monitor the current information for local display and SMS early warning, thus realizing the transformer multi-point grounding fault and partial discharge fault double monitoring and early warning and ensuring the safe operation of the power grid.
Received: 31 October 2022
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WANG Bing,CHEN Yiping,XU Huasheng等. Online monitoring device for transformer core and clamps grounding current[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(6): 69-73.
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