Experimental research on key technologies for energy management system of gigawatt-scale energy storage power station |
XU Mengyang, ZHENG Peng, HE Chun |
Xuchang KETOP Testing Research Institute Co., Ltd, Xuchang, He’nan 461000 |
Abstract The construction of gigawatt-scale energy storage power station is an important measure to promote the evolution of power system to adapt to large-scale and high proportion of new energy. The energy management system is the key integration part of the energy storage system, and its progressiveness, reliability and scalability directly affect the integration effect and operating income of the energy storage station. In order to study the technology integration route of the future gigawatt-scale energy storage power station, this paper proposes a test and verification system for the energy management system of the gigawatt-scale energy storage power station. Combining data storage, robustness testing, avalanche, closed-loop verification of power grid control and other technologies, a comprehensive test and verification platform is built for the energy management system of the gigawatt-scale energy storage power station. The key indicators such as large-scale access capability, extreme fault handling capability, data storage capability, operation control capability are tested. The results show that the proposed technology can effectively solve the difficulties of system integration verification of the gigawatt-scale energy storage power station, and can provide test support for subsequent engineering applications.
Received: 15 May 2023
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XU Mengyang,ZHENG Peng,HE Chun. Experimental research on key technologies for energy management system of gigawatt-scale energy storage power station[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(7): 56-63.
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