An optimal generator tripping method for emergency monitoring and control devices in new energy stations |
CHEN Hairong, FANG Jian |
Nanjing SAC Power Grid Automation Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211153 |
Abstract The new energy lean control function of the panoramic monitoring and control system for new energy stations is achieved by emergency monitoring and control devices. Precision generator tripping of emergency monitoring and control devices can effectively avoid secondary problems such as overvoltage caused by direct cutting of collection lines or transformer. Due to the large number of power generation units in new energy stations, it is not feasible to use exhaustive method to find the optimal combination during the execution of generator tripping, and it is necessary to optimize the tripping strategy. An optimal generator tripping method for emergency monitoring and control devices in new energy stations is presented, which can effectively improve computational efficiency, quickly find the optimal tripping combination and ensure that emergency monitoring and control devices can quickly respond to commands from stability control devices.
Received: 22 May 2023
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CHEN Hairong,FANG Jian. An optimal generator tripping method for emergency monitoring and control devices in new energy stations[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(8): 44-49.
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