A real fire simulation control system based on programmable logic controller and human machine interface |
WANG Shuang, OUYANG Ze, WANG Qi, MA Wenyuan, ZHOU Dihong |
Chongqing Institute of Science and Technology, Chongqing 401331 |
Abstract The current real fire training methods are too primitive, mostly one-off real fire training, which is too costly and poorly simulated to meet the growing fire training needs of firefighters. In this paper, the authors propose an automated real fire simulation control system, through the connection of programmable logic controller (PLC) with solenoid valve, ignition device and sensor, to complete the fire size control of each fire point. The human machine interface (HMI) is also used as the upper computer monitoring device, which can realize the information display and parameter modification of the fire. The system is stable, environmentally friendly and efficient, and it is able to simulate more realistic fire scenarios to meet the requirements of firefighters for numerous and extensive training sessions.
Received: 29 May 2023
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WANG Shuang,OUYANG Ze,WANG Qi等. A real fire simulation control system based on programmable logic controller and human machine interface[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(8): 56-60.
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