Research on the configuration of passive anti-islanding protection in active distribution network |
JIANG Miao, YAN Wei, XU Guangfu, HUA Xiujuan, HUANG Tao |
NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract With a large number of distributed generations injecting into the distribution network, anti-islanding protection should be installed, whose dead zone and coordination with other secondary functions needs to be further analyzed and studied. According to the evaluation formula of frequency and voltage deviation after islanding, the frequency dead zone of anti-islanding protection is strongly related to reactive power shortage and load quality factor, and the voltage dead zone is strongly related to active power shortage. It is necessary to evaluate the dead zone under the condition of minimum shortage and maximum load quality factor. The islanding operation caused by fault may lead to malfunction of anti-islanding protection in case of serious faults such as interphase short circuit and breakage. The anti-islanding protection time needs to avoid the fault duration. In addition, the anti-islanding protection time shall be less than the setting time of the upper transformer gap protection, reverse power protection, non-inspection mode reclose and standby automatic switching, local feeder automation, and greater than the fault crossing setting time. According to the configuration scheme given by this article, the setting analysis of the anti-islanding protection time is carried out according to the 2.0s configuration. If there exists photovoltaic with high permeability, it will lead to the malfunction of the upper transformer gap protection, and it is recommended to add protection and circuit breaker at the end of the upper line in this case.
Received: 08 May 2023
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JIANG Miao,YAN Wei,XU Guangfu等. Research on the configuration of passive anti-islanding protection in active distribution network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(9): 34-39.
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