Research on fault line selection method based on edium resistance for low current grounding system |
WU Jianyu |
Fuzhou Minjiang Park Office, Fuzhou 350000 |
Abstract The low current grounding line selection in the substation has problems such as low accuracy rate, high omission rate and high false alarm rate, which directly affect the evaluation results of the main station of the distribution network. As a result, the automatic failure isolation cannot be realized, and the power supply reliability is greatly reduced. This paper presents a method to quickly remove the single phase grounding faults by using the arc-reducing coil controller and combining the 10kV line zero-sequence over-current protection and the 10kV column switches zero-sequence over-current protection. This method utilizes the advantages of the medium resistance to effectively improve the accuracy of line selection when single phase grounding. It has the advantages of saving investment, high efficiency, short power outage time and small power failure range. At the same time, it can effectively make up for the disadvantages of medium resistance being easily burnt out when it is put into operation for a long time and flows through short-circuit current.
Received: 05 September 2023
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WU Jianyu. Research on fault line selection method based on edium resistance for low current grounding system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(10): 17-22.
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