Evaluation of power regulation range for UHVDC to participate in peak load regulation |
LI Jun1, YU Xiang2, LIU Xinyang1, LIU Xiaohui1, ZHANG Guohua1 |
1. DC Technology Center of State Grid Corporation of China, Beijing 100052; 2. NR Engineering Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract With the increase of renewable energy and the decrease of thermal power, the power system is under greater pressure to regulate peak load. It is feasible to utilize the strong power regulation capability of ultra high voltage direct current (UHVDC) to provide peaking resources for the grid. However, the fluctuation of DC power during peak load regulation could lead to frequent operation of the on-load tap changers and the AC filters, which would reduce their life. In this paper, the capability and constraint of the UHVDC to participate in peaking load operation is analyzed. The relationship between DC power and the operation frequency of on-load tap changers or AC filters is analyzed respectively. Moreover, a power regulation range evaluation method is proposed to ensure the operation frequency of the on-load tap changers and AC filters does not exceed their limits during peak load regulation. The real time digital simulation test results verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the method.
Received: 19 September 2023
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LI Jun,YU Xiang,LIU Xinyang等. Evaluation of power regulation range for UHVDC to participate in peak load regulation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(11): 42-47.
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