Optimal operation of demand response of electricity-gas-heat integrated energy system under the stepped carbon trading mechanism |
YUAN Kunlong1, ZHANG Shaokang2, CHANG Ran2, CHEN Yanbo1 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206; 2. Xixia County Power Supply Company of State Grid He’nan Electric Power Company, Xixia, He’nan 474500 |
Abstract With the development of energy coupling and the continuous improvement of China’s carbon market, the traditional electric power demand response can no longer meet the development status quo of the multi-energy coupled integrated energy system (IES) in the context of carbon peaking and catbon neutrality goals. In order to dig deeper into the role of demand response in energy saving and emission reduction, this paper proposes an electricity-gas-heat IES model under the stepped carbon trading mechanism that includes demand response. Firstly, the loads are classified into price and substitution categories, and the price substitution and heat substitution demand response models are established respectively. Secondly, considering the participation of IES in the carbon trading market, combined with the actual carbon emissions of combined heat and power (CHP) units and gas boilers (GB), the stepped carbon trading mechanism is introduced to guide the IES to control the carbon emissions. Lastly, taking the minimization of the sum of the cost of purchasing energy, the cost of stepped carbon trading, and the cost of operation and maintenance as the objective function, the electricity-gas-heat IES model is established. Finally, an electricity-gas-heat IES optimization model is established with the objective of minimizing the sum of the energy purchase cost and the operation and maintenance cost, and the established model is verified by four scenarios. Through the analysis of demand response load share and stepped carbon trading base price and interval length, it is found that the reasonable allocation of price-based and alternative load share, as well as carbon trading base price and interval length is conducive to improving the economy of system operation.
Received: 01 September 2023
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YUAN Kunlong,ZHANG Shaokang,CHANG Ran等. Optimal operation of demand response of electricity-gas-heat integrated energy system under the stepped carbon trading mechanism[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(1): 8-16.
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