Development and application of a floating internal inspection robot for power transformers |
FENG Yuhui, GAO Chao |
China General Nuclear Power Group China Nuclear Power Operations Co., Ltd, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518124 |
Abstract The internal inspection for transformers not only requires a large amount of work, but also poses potential risks of introducing foreign objects and insulation moisture. Through the analysis of the internal environment of transformers, requirements have been put forward for the design of the transformer internal inspection robot. Based on this, the overall structure design of the robot, the optimization layout of internal equipment, and the design of key component structures are carried out. At the same time, simulation research on robot motion and control is carried out, and a floating internal inspection robot with flexible arms for transformers is successfully developed. The application test results indicate that the robot can effectively replace manual entry into the transformer to carry out preventive health checks or assist in identifying internal fault points, which has a high level of automation.
Received: 13 November 2023
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FENG Yuhui,GAO Chao. Development and application of a floating internal inspection robot for power transformers[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(2): 62-67.
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