Transformer DC Bias Characteristics Analusis in DC Hybrid Power Grid |
Yuan Haiyan1, Liu Min1, Zhuang Yanfei2, Wang Qingyu1, Zhang Qingqing1 |
1. Shandong Electric Power Research Institute, Ji’nan 250002; 2. Shandong Electric Power Maintenance Company, Ji’nan 250021 |
Abstract The affluence of DC bias on the transformer magnetizing current was analyzed using the PSCAD electromagnetic transient simulation software on the basis of analyzing the principle of transformer DC bias. The transformer neutral point current, bus harmonic, the transformer vibration and noise were all measured in both cases of monopole and bipolar DC transmission. After a comprehensive analysis of the simulation and measurement, a conclusion was drawn. When the transformer neutral point current is more than 5% of the rated current in the transformer high-voltage side, serious distortion of the excitation current will be caused. The influence of DC bias is most serious on the transformer low-voltage side, because significant displacement had appeared. The displacement of the high-voltage side and low-voltage side changed little, but the speed and acceleration had increased 8-9 times, therefore, the transformer suffered a great impact. Finally, the method of series connecting capacitor with the transformer neutral point to limit the DC bias was proposed.
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Yuan Haiyan,Liu Min,Zhuang Yanfei等. Transformer DC Bias Characteristics Analusis in DC Hybrid Power Grid[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(6): 15-18.
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