Research on through-hole reflow soldering process for electrical products |
BAO Junyun, WANG Gaolei, PENG Xuejun, LI Lei |
NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211100 |
Abstract With the rapid development of electrical products towards density and miniaturization, surface mount technology has become the mainstream of printed circuit board (PCB) assembly, so the application of through-hole reflow soldering technology is becoming increasingly widespread. This paper focuses on the selection of solder paste, optimization of steel mesh opening process, component performance, and optimization of PCB pad design. Through actual production verification, the through-hole reflow soldering process can expand the production window of high-density and fine pitch products, and solve soldering problems such as tin beads and voids. This process can replace traditional wave soldering in many aspects, effectively improving the soldering quality of components in through-hole reflow soldering, improving soldering reliability, and providing support for effectively promoting surface mount technology, reducing production costs and improving production efficiency.
Received: 19 December 2023
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BAO Junyun,WANG Gaolei,PENG Xuejun等. Research on through-hole reflow soldering process for electrical products[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(4): 66-71.
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