Identification of photovoltaic direct current power quality disturbance based on modulated broadband mode decomposition and local preserving projection feature fusion |
XIONG Jie1, ZHU Xianyu1, WANG Na2, LIU Liangjiang1, LI Qingxian1 |
1. Hu’nan Institute of Metrology and Testing, Changsha 410018; 2. Zhejiang Fangyuan Test Group Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 310018 |
Abstract Nonlinear loads in photovoltaic (PV) direct current (DC) systems may introduce disturbances such as ripples, transients and noise in the DC power signal. Existing time-frequency analysis methods, such as variational mode decomposition, often lead to errors when decomposing PV DC power signals. This paper, building upon the foundation of broadband mode decomposition, employs modulated broadband mode decomposition (MBMD) with a modulation difference operator to denoise PV DC power signals, aiming to reduce decomposition errors. The proposed approach first utilizes MBMD for adaptive signal decomposition, incorporating a local preserving projection (LPP) algorithm for feature fusion. Finally, a back propagation artificial neural network model is employed for intelligent recognition of DC power quality. Simulation and experimental analysis demonstrate that the proposed method can accurately identify various types of disturbances in PV DC power.
Received: 03 November 2023
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XIONG Jie,ZHU Xianyu,WANG Na等. Identification of photovoltaic direct current power quality disturbance based on modulated broadband mode decomposition and local preserving projection feature fusion[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(5): 22-30.
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