Analysis of direct current grounding superimposed multi-point power channeling fault in a 500kV substation |
WANG Bin, WANG Li, LI Xiaochun, WANG Lei, ZHANG Xiaoshun |
State Grid He’nan Extra High Voltage Company, Zhengzhou 450001 |
Abstract Aiming at the typical faults of DC grounding superimposed multi-point power channeling in a 500kV substation, the troubleshooting process of multiple complex faults is introduced in this paper. According to the DC system topology and the principle of insulation monitoring device, the equivalent circuit method and loop current method are used for the modeling and analysis of heteropolar channeling fault in this paper, which provides a theoretical reference for the defect analysis of DC system. In addition, the typical characteristics of hidden points of grounding and power channeling of DC system are summarized to provide support for DC system fault analysis and operation inspection.
Received: 15 May 2024
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WANG Bin,WANG Li,LI Xiaochun等. Analysis of direct current grounding superimposed multi-point power channeling fault in a 500kV substation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(8): 81-84.
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