A new hybrid reconstruction method for photovoltaic arrays under partial shading conditions |
LI Jian, JIANG Hao |
School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021 |
Abstract For photovoltaic (PV) power generation systems, partial shading can lead to a decrease in output power or even a hot spot effect. Reconstruction methods can effectively mitigate the impact of partial shading, reduce the power loss and improve the output power. Considering the deficiencies of the existing reconstruction methods, a new hybrid reconstruction (NHR) method combining the advantages of dynamic and static reconstruction methods is proposed based on total-cross-tied (TCT) PV arrays. Firstly, the whole PV array is divided into four subarrays, and the subarrays are reconstructed based on the interpolation & column loop (ICL) static reconstruction method. Then the subarrays are reconstructed dynamically using the switching control technique to obtain the optimal structure. Finally, the simulation model of PV array under partial shading condition is built based on Matlab/Simulink software, and the simulation results of NHR method and other reconstruction methods are compared and analyzed. The results show that the NHR method can effectively disperse the components obscured by the shadow, reduce the mismatch loss, and help to improve the output power, obviously reduce the number of peaks on the output characteristic curve of PV array, which makes it have a more optimal output performance.
Received: 04 March 2024
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LI Jian,JIANG Hao. A new hybrid reconstruction method for photovoltaic arrays under partial shading conditions[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(9): 33-37.
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