Analysis on thyristor freewheeling in single-phase bridge fully controlled rectifier circuit |
YUAN Yazhou1, SHU Chang2, DONG Junyang1, XIE Zhiping3, YANG Ling1 |
1. NARI Technology Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211106; 2. State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd Xinyi Power Supply Branch, Xinyi, Jiangsu 210024; 3. Yangzhou No.2 Power Plant Co., Ltd, Yangzhou, Jiangsu 225000 |
Abstract Taking the single-phase bridge fullly controlled rectifier circuit as the research object, this paper briefly describes the characteristics of the working principle of it, and analyzes the role of freewheeling resistance in rectifying circuit. From the perspective of the rectification and inversion, the working principle of freewheeling resistance under different conditions and its influence on output waveform of the circuit are studied. The function of the freewheeling resistance is verified through Matlab simulation and field test, which means to provide reference for the selection of freewheeling resistance in field.
Received: 21 March 2024
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YUAN Yazhou,SHU Chang,DONG Junyang等. Analysis on thyristor freewheeling in single-phase bridge fully controlled rectifier circuit[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(10): 36-41.
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