A modification method for sample valve control pulse in synthetic test circuit |
CUI Hengfeng1, PAN Weiming1, ZHANG Hao2, CHEN Jinlong2 |
1. NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211100; 2. NR Electric Power Electronics Co., Ltd, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213025 |
Abstract The control pulse is an important reference signal for judging the commutation stage of the converter valve and implementing the active shutdown control strategy of the new converter valve. This article analyzes the timing differences of control pulses between actual engineering and synthetic test circuit valve control systems, proposes control pulse modification requirement to make the new converter valve shut-off control strategy applicable to the synthetic test circuit, and designs a modification method for synthetic test circuit control pulses based on finite state machines. Then the steady-state operation timing control, abnormal timing recovery, and special operating condition timing control of the synthetic test circuit control pulse under this scheme is analyzed. Finally, the synthetic test circuit is modified and tested, and the results show that the scheme can meet the expected modification requirements.
Received: 16 April 2024
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CUI Hengfeng,PAN Weiming,ZHANG Hao等. A modification method for sample valve control pulse in synthetic test circuit[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(10): 42-47.
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