Research on the Evaluation Method of Life Cycle Transformer Quality Risk |
Wang Cong, Li Xiao, Tu Youping |
Panjin Power Supply Company, Panjin, Liaoning 124010 |
Abstract Risk assessment for power transformer is an important means to guide the condition based maintenance of transformer and enhance the reliability of power system operation, but also to strengthen the power transformer to provide an important basis for quality control. In this paper, a hierarchy index system for comprehensive evaluation of transformer is put forward and a risk assessment model for power transformer based on fuzzy synthetic evaluation is built, which based on the quality problems of large power transfomer statistics in three years and combined with multilayerd and multi-factor features of the transformer life cycle management process. The assessment example analysis shows that the method can effectively estimate the risk of each stage for the life cycle management of power transformer and provide feasible decision basis for the risk management and maintenance decision of transformer.
Published: 24 June 2014
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Wang Cong,Li Xiao,Tu Youping. Research on the Evaluation Method of Life Cycle Transformer Quality Risk[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(05): 31-34.
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