The Kind of Smart Residual Current Warning System Used in Country Based on Micropower Network |
Qiu Haifeng, Weng Liguo, Meng Yuanfang, Lai Hongyin |
Xiaoshan Power Supply Bureau, Hangzhou 311200 |
Abstract The operating rate of residual current device is low for some reasons. This paper introduces a kind of residual current warning system used in country based on micropower network. The system is discussed in this paper, from three aspects of the system framework, the main hardeware, and the function of master station. The residual current and the state of monitoring has been realized.It fills the gaps in the centralized management of the residual current device, and improves the operating rate of residual current device.
Published: 23 January 2014
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Qiu Haifeng,Weng Liguo,Meng Yuanfang等. The Kind of Smart Residual Current Warning System Used in Country Based on Micropower Network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(12): 60-64.
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