Research on Partial Discharges On-line Detection of High Voltage Switchgear Using Current Sensor |
Jiang Yuandong1, Liu Xianqiang1, Liang Qinglong1, Li Zhixiong2, Yu Deng2 |
1. Qinzhou Power Supply Bureau, Qinzhou, Guangxi 535000; 2. Wuhan FiberHome FuHua Electric Co, Ltd, Wuhan 430074 |
Abstract Making use of the theory of the electromagnetic coupling, a two-half-circle current sensor which was used to detect partial discharges pulse current of high frequency from 2MHz to 30MHz in high voltage switchgear based on Rogowski coil was designed. The current sensor has simple structure. It was proved that partial discharges monitoring system based on the current sensor could detect partial discharges of test loop with good sensibility.
Published: 23 January 2014
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Jiang Yuandong,Liu Xianqiang,Liang Qinglong等. Research on Partial Discharges On-line Detection of High Voltage Switchgear Using Current Sensor[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(12): 69-72.
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