The Small Signal Model of STATCOM with Battery Energy Storage and its Control |
Liang Shuang, Li Ningning, Ji Yanchao, Wang Jianze |
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001 |
Abstract Battery energy storage is linked to STATCOM dc-link through DC/DC bidirectional converter, DC/DC side and STATCOM side is coupled into a whole by dc-link capacitor. The dq coordinate based on linear decoupling small signal dynamic model is established through analysis of building holistic large signal model, realizing decoupling control of DC/DC side and STATCOM side. Based on this model, DC/DC side charge/discharge power is realized through design of DC/DC current loop controller as well as STATCOM side current-voltage double-loop and power feed-forward term combination controller, realizing DC/DC side charge/discharge power and dc-link capacitor output voltage stability control. Design correctness is validated by Matlab/Simulink simulation and experiment.
Published: 11 June 2014
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Liang Shuang,Li Ningning,Ji Yanchao等. The Small Signal Model of STATCOM with Battery Energy Storage and its Control[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(06): 1-4.
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