Crowbar Protection Circuit Based Doubly-fed Wind Turbine Low Voltage Ride Through Research |
Xu Minghui, Li Zetao, Tao Jing |
Guizhou University,School of Electrical Engineering, Guiyang 550025 |
Abstract With the increasing global energy depletion, frequent invasion of urban haze, oil increasingly tight energy supplies, encourage people to seek a new non-polluting energy. Wind energy as a clean and renewable energy, has now been widely used, while wind power is an efficient way of using wind, have taken seriously the world's peoples. After several years of rapid development, China's wind power business has made ??remarkable achievements, but some problems have gradually revealed. Research Status LVRT paper first reviews the domestic double-fed wind turbine, then the establishment of a dynamic mathematical model of doubly-fed wind turbines. Of resistance and crowbar circuit switching strategy systematically studied, and finally to the whole crowbar protection system conducted experiments and get a good result by theoretical analysis.
Published: 11 June 2014
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Xu Minghui,Li Zetao,Tao Jing. Crowbar Protection Circuit Based Doubly-fed Wind Turbine Low Voltage Ride Through Research[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(06): 48-51.
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