Direct Torque Control of Switch Reluctance Motor Based on Fuzzy Control with Intelligent Integrator |
Chen Jinwen, Yang Mingfa |
Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108 |
Abstract For SRM using conventional PID or fuzzy control exists large speed overshoot, steady state error and the torque ripple and other big issue, based on intelligent integral fuzzy control of direct torque control is present. The technology will be integral in parallel on fuzzy controller, and the role of integrator time for intelligent identification, so that it reserves the conventional fuzzy control good dynamic performance while improving the system steady-state accuracy, greatly reducing the system's torque pulsation. The MATLAB/Simulink environment to build simulation models, simulation results show that: Integral Fuzzy Control Based on Intelligent Direct Torque Control technology not only can greatly reduce the motor torque ripple and improve the system's speed and torque response speed and performance enhancements the robustness of the system.
Published: 25 March 2014
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Chen Jinwen,Yang Mingfa. Direct Torque Control of Switch Reluctance Motor Based on Fuzzy Control with Intelligent Integrator[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(03): 19-22.
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