Application and Method of Regular Substation Adaptive Modeling Based On IEC Standard |
Chen Weijian, Jiang Zhengwei, Huang Bin, Xiao Yanwei, Du Qiwei |
Zhejiang Electric Power Company, Hangzhou 310007 |
Abstract To adapt to the rapid development of power system, IEC TC57 has published IEC 61850 and IEC 61970 for guide. The goal of IEC 61850 is to achieve the interoperability, mutual replacement and information sharing of substation equipment from different manufactures. In order to meet the actual need, the way to make use of the left substation equipment during the transformation for IEC 61850 should be concerned. With regard to IEC 61970, its focus is on EMS. As the two standards have defined information model for substation independently without seamless mapping between them, so how to harmonize the two standards will be discussed in this article.
Published: 25 March 2014
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Chen Weijian,Jiang Zhengwei,Huang Bin等. Application and Method of Regular Substation Adaptive Modeling Based On IEC Standard[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(03): 23-27.
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