The Kind of Static Var Generator (SVG) Capacity Expansion Method and Device |
Zheng Jianxin1, Pan Shengyu2, Guo Peilun1, Zhang Qingzhou1, Li Xiongwei1 |
1.Liaoning ECID Electric co., Ltd, Anshan, Liaoning 114051; 2. Angang Steel Bayujuan Steel Branch, Yingkou, Liaoning115007 |
Abstract This paper introduces a kind of can quickly realize static reactive power generator SVG power tank capacity expansion of the device and method.Aiming at home and abroad manufacturers of SVG power cabinet,Common defects such as single capacity extension of difficult problems.To overcome the shortcomings of existing technology,Capacity can be realized through a set of control system for the purpose of several power cabinet,Developed a compact structure,Power cabinet put oneself in another's position of connection between units is simple,Capacity to facilitate expansion of static reactive power generator based on high power density modular power cabinet.For high voltage large capacity of reactive power compensation device development in our country has opened up a new road,For high voltage large capacity power electronic equipment research and development in China provides a valuable experience.
Published: 25 March 2014
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Zheng Jianxin,Pan Shengyu,Guo Peilun等. The Kind of Static Var Generator (SVG) Capacity Expansion Method and Device[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(03): 75-78.
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