Study on Fault Location Technology of the OPGW Transmission Line |
Zhang Long1, Ren Zhengmou2, Liu Bin2, Sun Zhenquan2, Li Hongjie1 |
Yueyang Power Company, Yueyang, Hu’nan 410082 |
Abstract 10kV distribution grid is the vast majority applied of main supply grid in urban and rural life and production. The distribution grid directly faces to customers, with features of extensive and comprehensive. As people’s living standards are improving, the reliability of power supply is required strictly. Due to the reality of the current scheduling work of distribution grid existing certain blindness. This paper analyzes historical fault data of distribution grid, summarizes laws and proposes a series of methods which suitable for the region distribution grid, the. The safety reliability of distribution grid is improving by using these methods. grid,
Published: 04 November 2014
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