Charactoristics and Application of Medium Voltage XLPE Cable Heat Shrinkable Accessories |
Miao Fugui, Yan Mengkun, Fu Ping, Han Weijing, Hou Xiaona |
Jiaxing Bureau of Meteorology, Jiaxing, Zhejiang 314050 |
Abstract Put into use of surge protector for continued in the work circuit, under the effect of breakdown voltage, the degradation during the trip, have a chance to form arc phenomenon, and the formation of high temperature burning, cause a fire phenomenon in a surge protector, by analyzing the surge protector fire causes, puts forward the countermeasures, in order to avoid the phenomenon happening again.
Published: 04 November 2014
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Miao Fugui,Yan Mengkun,Fu Ping等. Charactoristics and Application of Medium Voltage XLPE Cable Heat Shrinkable Accessories[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(10): 93-97.
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