The Method of Single Static Contact Direct Connecting in Ground Potential to Handle 220kV Outlet Isolation Switch’s Fever Problems |
Wang Jianwei,Wang Jun,Lin Lin,Ma Jun |
State Grid Jibei Electric Power Maintenance Company,Beijing 102488 |
Abstract For fever phenomenon of outlet isolation switch contact points with the wire clamp and isolation switch contact points finger, only can process in the time of power outages currently, affecting the availability of equipment and caused a loss of power. In this paper, Jibei grid 220kV outlet isolation switch fever live processing operations were studied, using a method of single static contact direct connecting in ground potential can be safely and easily handle substation outlet isolation switch contacts and wiring plate heat problems, draw conclusions can be applied to the actual repair work.
Published: 04 November 2014
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Wang Jianwei,Wang Jun,Lin Lin等. The Method of Single Static Contact Direct Connecting in Ground Potential to Handle 220kV Outlet Isolation Switch’s Fever Problems[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(07): 40-42.
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