Research on Short-term Holiday Load Forecasting Based on Filter Algorithms |
Chen Heng, Wang Ke, Chen Lihua |
School of Electric Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031 |
Abstract When the short-term load changes greatly, it is difficult to accurately predict it. A short-term holiday load forecasting algorithm based on filter algorithm is presented. The Kalman filter and Wiener filter prediction theory are introduced briefly. Combing with the actual situation of power load, the appropriate short-term load forecasting models are established. Load is predicted for holidays, confirmed the feasibility and effectiveness of the load forecasting algorithms. And the two predication algorithms are compared. For the accuracy is not high when the loads have a great oscillation, it discusses the causes of error in the filter algorithm. On these basis, the forecasting results are modified by introducing the holiday factor. The comprehensive forecasting results have high precision, which confirm the validity and effectiveness of the advanced algorithm.
Published: 05 November 2014
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Chen Heng,Wang Ke,Chen Lihua. Research on Short-term Holiday Load Forecasting Based on Filter Algorithms[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(09): 12-15.
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