Design of High Power Multi-charging Mode Charger for Lead-acid Battery |
Zhang Jianfang1, Liu Liansheng2 |
1. School of Engineering and Technical Training, Civil Aviation University, Tianjin 300300; 2. School of Continuing Studies, Civil Aviation University, Tianjin 300300 |
Abstract A high power multi-charging mode charger for aircraft lead-acid batteries is designed. Its max power is 400W. The general design method of the proposed charger is introduced. The main power control circuit is takes the UC2846 chip. It can output constant voltage/current or tiny current. The charging control circuit uses the UC2909. It can achieve average current control. How to choose the transformer and filters. A phototype is developed. It can realize three state charges. Test results of the phototype show that the proposed charger has the advantages of short charging time, stable waveform, little peak, high accuracy and easy for practical application.
Published: 22 December 2014
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