Study of Charging-discharging Device With the Function of Harmonic Suppression |
Wang Dawei1, Xu Yangbo1, Zang Yunfeng1, Yang Liuqiong2, Chen Zuohua3 |
1. Shanghai Surpass Sun Electric Co., Ltd, Shanghai 200331; 2. Liuzhou Chemical Industry Co., Ltd, Liuzhou, Guangxi 545002; 3. Liuzhou Iron & Steel Company, Ltd, Liuzhou, Guangxi 545002 |
Abstract To meet the need of power battery testing, we design a charging-discharging device can be realized the bidirectional energy exchange of grid and battery. It have three interleaving bidirectional DC/DC converter and four quadrant rectifier based on SVPWM algorithm. Based on the output current harmonic analysis of time domain transformation, output harmonic offset the harmonic current harm from dead zone and grid voltage distortion, Experimental results show that the grid current harmonics and DC ripple of the charging-discharging device effectively restrain.
Published: 22 December 2014
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Wang Dawei,Xu Yangbo,Zang Yunfeng等. Study of Charging-discharging Device With the Function of Harmonic Suppression[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(12): 45-47.
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