Rural Low Voltage Distribution Network Reactive Power Configuration in the Study |
Chen Ning1,Wang Chuanyong1,Han Peng1,Li Ming2,Ji Chuanliu2 |
1. Shandong Zaozhuang Electric Power Company Power Supply Company,Zaozhuang,Shandong 277000; 2. Shandong Guoyan Electric Power Technology Co.,Ltd,Ji’nan 250014 |
Abstract In this paper,first of all,through the analysis of the main factors of low voltage distribution network reactive power consumption,and then combining with the distribution transformer with reactive power compensation capacity and changeable with variable capacity,variable load ratio,low voltage side area of natural relationship between power factor and the site of the reactive power compensation device of distribution line,determine the nature of different load and different optimal reactive power compensation.
Received: 22 January 2015
Published: 19 January 2015
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Chen Ning,Wang Chuanyong,Han Peng等. Rural Low Voltage Distribution Network Reactive Power Configuration in the Study[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(01): 78-83.
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