Research on the Technical Characteristics of 500kV Insulators Water Cleaning |
Lv Hongfeng1, Liang Liuming2, Li Shaobai1, Ye Zhikang1 |
1. Zhejiang Electric Power Training Center, Hangzhou 311600; 2. Ningbo Electric Power Bureau, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315016 |
Abstract Through a large number of 500kV insulators water cleaning test, this article explores the relationship of water leakage currents and water column length, nozzle diameter, water pressure, water resistivity. Combined with the actual situation of substation, this article proposed test conditions of 500kV insulators water cleaning. Through a large number of 500kV insulators water cleaning properties test, this article ummarizes the relationship of withstand voltage of insulators and salt density, resistivity, washing and flushing.
Published: 10 February 2015
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Lv Hongfeng,Liang Liuming,Li Shaobai等. Research on the Technical Characteristics of 500kV Insulators Water Cleaning[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(02): 66-69.
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