Research on the Lightning Overvoltage in the Substation of a Coal Industry Group |
Lei Yanling1, Lei Xi1, Jiang Hua1, Jia Di1, Liu Qing2 |
1. Shaanxi Regional Electric Power Group Co., Ltd, Xi’an 710049; 2. Xi’an University of Science & Technology, Xi’an 710054 |
Abstract When lightning wave intrude into substation, overvoltage will occurr that causes great threat to equipment insulation. Therefore it is very necessary to study the protection of lightning over voltage occurred in substation. In this paper, the model of West substation of a coal company has been built up. The lightning overvoltages at different equipments are calculated calculated by EMTP. It can be seen that the further the strike point from the substation, the lower the lightning overvoltagecoukd be. Extenting the length of the incoming line can reduce the lightning overvoltage magnitudes.
Published: 10 February 2015
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Lei Yanling,Lei Xi,Jiang Hua等. Research on the Lightning Overvoltage in the Substation of a Coal Industry Group[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(02): 81-83.
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