Simulation of Effect of Grounding Resistance Model on Output Characteristics of Impulse Current Circuit |
Huang Bo, Jiang Anfeng, Fu Zhengcai |
Key Laboratory of Control of Power Transmission and Conversion, Ministry of Education, Department of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240 |
Abstract Four kinds of tower grounding simulation model (constant resistance model, nonlinear resistance model, capacitance impedance model, combination model) were set up to study the influence law of these models on 8/20μs impulse current waveform parameters. The following results are obtained. Firstly, when the charging voltage is larger than a certain value, the output impulse current waveform parameters of the nonlinear resistance model and the combination model are affected by the charging voltage. Secondly, critical breakdown electric field intensity Ec and soil resistivity ρ mainly affect the nonlinear resistor part of the grounding model. Larger soil resistivity ρ and smaller critical breakdown electric field intensity Ec can improve the amplitude of the output waveform and make the ratio of wave tail and wave head closer to 2.5. Thirdly, the larger the capacitor part of the grounding is, the greater the output waveform amplitude would be, but the further the ratio of wave tail and wave head would deviate from 2.5. Fourthly, the ratio of Ri and R0 has little impact on the output waveform parameters of the capacitance impedance model and combination model.
Received: 20 April 2015
Published: 23 March 2015
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Huang Bo,Jiang Anfeng,Fu Zhengcai. Simulation of Effect of Grounding Resistance Model on Output Characteristics of Impulse Current Circuit[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(03): 1-5.
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