Analysis of EMC Mode Project’s Risks and Strategies in Power grid Enterprises |
Guo Yue Zhang Hongbin Liu Haibo |
State Power Economic Research Institute, Beijing 102209 |
Abstract Servicing for the work of energy-saving and ejection-decreasing, and fulfilling the specified energy saving indexes, the power grid enterprises have actively carried out the construction of energy saving service system. But the energy management companies affiliated to the grid lack of comprehensive understanding of risk management in the process of project implementation, especially of policy and financial risks. According to the characteristics of the EMC mode project implementation and combing with the practical experience in power grid enterprises, this paper classifies the potential risks in EMC mode project operating, and puts forward the coping strategies of all kinds of risks. A wide applicability risk management framework of EMC project in the power grid enterprises is proposed, providing some guidance in working EMC mode project.
Received: 20 April 2015
Published: 23 March 2015
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Guo Yue Zhang Hongbin Liu Haibo. Analysis of EMC Mode Project’s Risks and Strategies in Power grid Enterprises[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(03): 93-96.
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