屈瑶, 魏奇峰
河南省工业情报标准信息中心,郑州 450002
Sensitivity Analysis of Pantograph-Catenary System
Qu Yao, Wei Qifeng
He’nan Industrial Intelligence Standard Information Center, Zhengzhou 50002
摘要 接触线在电气化铁路中既是牵引供电系统的配电线路又是受电弓的滑道,良好的弓网耦合是高速铁路发展的关键技术之一。弓网接触力作用在接触线上时接触线会有一定的抬升量,而接触线的抬升量是与受电弓的参数密切相关的。本文根据受电弓的线性模型,给出了接触线的抬升量与受电弓初始抬升力之间的开、闭环数学模型,并对其性能指标进行了分析,同时研究了弓网系统的灵敏度。分析结果表明,受电弓闭环控制模型能有效提高系统的稳定性;作为一个低频振荡系统,弓网系统只有对受电弓弓头刚度系数的灵敏度相对较高。
关键词 :
受电弓 ,
接触线 ,
数学模型 ,
Abstract :The contact wire as both the distribution line of traction power supply system and a slide of the pantograph in electric railway, a good pantograph-catenary coupling is one of the key technologies in the development of high speed railway. The contact wire will have a certain amount of uplift when the pantograph-catenary contact force exerts on it. The uplift of the contact wire vary with the parameters of pantograph mechanism. According to the linear model of the pantograph, the open, close loop mathematical model between the contact wire uplift and pantograph initial lifting force has been carried out, and its performance is analyzed in this paper. Then, the sensitivity of the pantograph catenary system is analyzed. The results show, Pantograph close loop control model can effectively improve the system stability, as a low frequency oscillation system, the pantograph-catenary is sensitive only Pantograph head spring constants.
Key words :
contact wire
mathematical model
出版日期: 2015-07-20
屈瑶, 魏奇峰. 弓网系统灵敏度分析[J]. 电气技术, 2015, 16(07): 80-83.
Qu Yao, Wei Qifeng. Sensitivity Analysis of Pantograph-Catenary System. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(07): 80-83.
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