中国煤炭科工集团太原研究院有限公司煤矿采掘机械装备国家工程实验室,太原 030006
Method and Influencing Factor Analysis of Shell Impact Resistance Test of Explosion-proof Electrical Equipment
Yan Laiqing
Taiyuan Institute of China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Co. Ltd, National Engineering Laboratory for Coal Mining Machinery, Taiyuan 030006
摘要 外壳抗冲击试验作为防爆电气设备专用标准规定的型式试验,本文针对试验装置和试验要求,对外壳抗冲击试验方法进行了研究。同时对试验过程中的影响因素进行了分析,涉及设备外壳的材料类别、试验温度、严酷等级、试件的安装和冲击点的选取。
关键词 :
防爆电气设备 ,
外壳试验 ,
抗冲击试验 ,
试验方法 ,
Abstract :The test of shell impact resistance is a type test which is stipulated by special explosion-proof electrical equipment standards. Based on the test device and test equipment, the author made a study of test method of shell resisting to impact. At the same time, influencing factors which involved in the process of test have been analyzed, such as shell material category, testing temperature, severity, specimen installation and the selection of impact point.
Key words :
explosion-proof electrical equipment
shell test
impact resistance test
test method
influencing factor
收稿日期: 2015-08-18
出版日期: 2015-08-18
作者简介 : 闫来清(1983-),男,山西省朔州市人,硕士,助理工程师,主要研究方向为防爆电气,现在中国煤炭科工集团太原研究院有限公司煤矿采掘机械装备国家工程实验室从事科研工作。
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Yan Laiqing. Method and Influencing Factor Analysis of Shell Impact Resistance Test of Explosion-proof Electrical Equipment. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(8): 70-72.
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