工厂弧闪危险分析和个人防护——解读IEEE Std 1584—2002《弧闪危害计算执行指南》
山东省产品质量检验研究院,济南 250102
Analysis on Factory Arc-flash Hazard and Personal Protection —Reading IEEE Std 1584—2002 Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations
Zhang Jiancheng
Shandong Product Quality Inspection Research Institute, Ji’nan 250102
摘要 弧闪是电气危险的一种,可造成人员和设备的严重损失,进行弧闪分析意义重大。本文详细介绍了弧闪危害的计算方法,同时介绍了几种有效的个人防护措施。
关键词 :
弧闪危害 ,
短路故障电流 ,
弧闪保护界限 ,
入射能量 ,
个人防护装备 ,
Abstract :Arc-flash is an electrical hazard that can cause serious damage to personnel and equipment, so arc-flash analysis is significant. This article describes the calculation method of arc-flash hazard in detail. Meanwhile, several personal protection measures are introduced.
Key words :
arc-flash hazard
bolted fault current
flash-protection boundary
incident energy
personal protective equipment
working distance
出版日期: 2015-10-28
作者简介 : 张建成(1981-),男,山东济南人,工程师,主要从事低压电器产品检验工作。
张建成. 工厂弧闪危险分析和个人防护——解读IEEE Std 1584—2002《弧闪危害计算执行指南》[J]. 电气技术, 2015, 16(10): 100-103.
Zhang Jiancheng. Analysis on Factory Arc-flash Hazard and Personal Protection —Reading IEEE Std 1584—2002 Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(10): 100-103.
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