基于UltraTEV Plus的局部放电在线检测
中国石油化工股份有限公司天津分公司装备研究院, 天津 300271
On-line Partial Discharge Detection Based On UltraTEV Plus
Zhang Qing
China Petroleum and Chemical Co., Ltd, Tianjin Branch Equipment Research Institute, Tianjin 300271
摘要 测试电气设备的局部放电特征是目前预防电气设备故障的一种好方法,本文提出利用UltraTEV Plus局部放电检测仪对电气设备进行局部放电在线检测,它不仅能够在外表面对电气设备内部局部放电活动进行测量,无需开启电气设备外壳,而且可以远距离对电气设备进行局部放电超声波检测,如架空线、变压器等等,无需直接接触
关键词 :
局部放电 ,
UltraTEV Plus ,
Abstract :Testing the characteristics of partial discharge of electrical equipment is a good method for the prevention of electrical equipment malfunction, this paper proposes the use of UltraTEV Plus partial discharge detector for on-line partial discharge detection of electrical equipment, it is not only able to measure internal partial discharge activity on the outer surface of the electrical equipment, without opening the enclosure of the electrical equipment, but also can do partial discharge ultrasonic testing of electrical equipment long-distance, such as overhead line, transformer and so on, without contact directly.
Key words :
partial discharge
UltraTEV Plus
出版日期: 2013-10-10
作者简介 : 张青(1986-), 女, 硕士研究生, 工程师, 主要从事电气设备检测技术研究。
张青. 基于UltraTEV Plus的局部放电在线检测[J]. 电气技术, 2013, 14(08): 30-33.
Zhang Qing. On-line Partial Discharge Detection Based On UltraTEV Plus. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(08): 30-33.
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