山东大学电气工程学院,济南 250061
Analysis and Comparison of New Magnetically Controllable Reactor
Li Xiaoming
School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong Univesity, Ji'nan 250061
摘要 论文提出一种新型磁控电抗器.用Matlab仿真软件中的Simulink工具箱构建磁控电抗器仿真模型,对新型磁控电抗器进行仿真分析.分析表明:新型磁控电抗器结构简单,可用于超高压电力系统的优点明显.缺点是,暂态响应时间比现有磁控电抗器的长.
关键词 :
磁控电抗器 ,
仿真分析 ,
性能比较 ,
Abstract :A new magnetically Controllable reactor (MCR) is proposed in this paper. A simulation model based on Matlab/simulink is built and the new MCR are simulated. The results show: New MCR structure is simple and can be used for EHV power system advantage is obvious. The disadvantage is that the transient response time is longer than the existing MCR.
Key words :
magnetically controllable reactor
simulation analysis
performance comparison
transient time
出版日期: 2016-03-22
作者简介 : 李晓明(1956-),男,山东省淄博市人,山东大学副教授,主要从事电力系统控制与保护,电力系统及其自动化的教学与研究工作.
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