张楷翼, 盛义发, 李永胜
南华大学电气工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001
Research on Transient Characteristics of Passing Neutral Section in CRH2 EMU Trains Traction Motor
Zhang Kaiyi, Sheng Yifa, Li Yongsheng
College of Electrical Engineering, University of South China, Hengyang, Hu’nan 421001
摘要 为了研究牵引电动机在过分相时的暂态特性,以CRH2型动车组YQ-365型牵引电动机为研究对象,针对地面开关自动过分相开关的合闸与分闸所产生的过电压,利用Matlab/Similink搭建了地面开关式自动过分相牵引电动机暂态特性仿真实验平台,研究了过分相工况下牵引电动机电气特性变化情况。
关键词 :
电气化铁路 ,
过分相 ,
牵引电动机 ,
Abstract :In order to study the transient characteristics of traction motor in Passing Neutral Section, regarding YQ-365 traction motor of CRH2 EMU trains as the research subject, based on over-voltage of switch closing and opening of ground’s auto-passing neutral section at switching time, experimental model of transient characteristics of traction motor of ground’s auto-passing neutral section at switching time in simulation platform is set up based on Matlab/Simulink, and the change of electrical characteristics of traction motor under the condition of passing neutral section is studied.
Key words :
electrified railway
passing neutral section
traction motor
transient characteristics
出版日期: 2016-04-20
作者简介 : 张楷翼(1988-),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为轨道交通电气化与自动化,电力系统运行分析与控制。
张楷翼, 盛义发, 李永胜. CRH2型动车组过分相牵引电动机暂态特性研究[J]. 电气技术, 2016, 17(4): 38-41.
Zhang Kaiyi, Sheng Yifa, Li Yongsheng. Research on Transient Characteristics of Passing Neutral Section in CRH2 EMU Trains Traction Motor. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(4): 38-41.
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