贾伟, 牛万宇, 王帮田, 黄晔矿, 王金芳
许继集团有限公司,河南 许昌 461000
Electric Field Simulation for ±1100kV DC Valve Hall Fittings
Jia Wei, Niu Wanyu, Wang Bangtian, Huang Yekuang, Wang Jinfang
XJ Group Corporation, Xuchang, He’nan 461000
摘要 阀厅金具作为直流输电工程换流站阀厅设备电气连接及固定用装置,连接和组合换流站阀厅电力系统中各类装置,以传递机械、电气负荷及实现某种防护作用。其表面电晕直接影响着阀厅及其设备的表面电场分布,对其表面电场进行仿真具有重要意义。本文基于Infolytica ElecNet电场仿真软件对阀厅金具电场仿真影响因素空气包大小、电极长短进行了研究。结果表明:随着空气包的增大,其表面电场逐渐减少,直至趋于一稳定值;金具表面电场与电极长度无关,其影响可忽略不计。根据研究成果给出了±1100kV直流阀厅金具管母外接头电场仿真结果,对 ±1100kV特高压直流输电工程阀厅金具的研制具有重要指导作用。
关键词 :
Infolytica ,
± ,
1100kV ,
特高压直流输电 ,
阀厅金具 ,
管母外接头 ,
Abstract :The valve hall fittings as HVDC converter stations valve hall equipment electrical connections and fixing devices , connections and combinations converter station valve hall all types of power system devices to transfer mechanical, electrical load and achieve some kind of protection. It is important to study distribution simulation of its surface electric field on account of a direct impact on its surface corona valve hall and its equipment surface electric field. Based on Infolytica ElecNet electric field simulation software, we investigated air packet size, electrode length. The results show that: with the increase of the air bag, the surface electric field decreases, until tends to a constant value; it has nothing to do with the length of the electrode. According to the research results,we provide electric field simulation results of ±1100kV DC valve hall fittings busbar coupler, the results have an important role in guiding to develop ±1100kV UHV DC transmission project valve hall fittings.
Key words :
valve hall fittings
busbar coupler
surface field
出版日期: 2016-07-27
作者简介 : 贾 伟(1965-),男,硕士,高级工程师,主要从事高、低压成套开关设备以及特高压直流输电直流场设备的研发主持工作。
贾伟, 牛万宇, 王帮田, 黄晔矿, 王金芳. ±1100kV直流阀厅金具电场仿真设计[J]. 电气技术, 2016, 17(7): 13-19.
Jia Wei, Niu Wanyu, Wang Bangtian, Huang Yekuang, Wang Jinfang. Electric Field Simulation for ±1100kV DC Valve Hall Fittings. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(7): 13-19.
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