黄国泰, 郭弟弟
1. 福建省电力物资有限公司,福州 350003; 2. 国家电网福建省福州供电公司,福州 350003
Apply Initial Slope Feature Amount for Evaluating the Micro-water Content of Transformer Insulation Oil
Huang Guotai, Guo Didi
1. Fujian Electric Power supplies Limited, Fuzhou 350003; 2. Sate Grid Fujian Provincial Fuzhou Electric Power Company, Fuzhou 350003
摘要 目前,应用回复电压法定量诊断油纸绝缘变压器内部绝缘油微水含量的研究甚少。针对这方面的不足,首先,本文基于时域介电谱理论,提取回复电压法中的初始斜率峰值时间这一重要特征量;其次,利用扩展德拜模型等效电路建立仿真模型,研究该特征量与变压器绝缘油受潮的内在联系;而后,通过分析多台电力变压器的绝缘油微水含量及其初始斜率峰值时间数据,划分出可定量评估绝缘系统受潮与否的分界线。最后,通过实例验证了该研究结果的有效性和准确性,为评估变压器绝缘油受潮状态提供新的思路与方法。
关键词 :
油纸绝缘 ,
绝缘油 ,
初始斜率 ,
微水 ,
Abstract :Recently, the research of using the return voltage method Respond to diagnosis the micro-water content of transformer insulation oil quantitatively is very rare. Aiming at the deficiency, this paper extracts an important characteristic of initial slope peak time of return voltage method Based on the theory of time domain dielectric spectroscopy. Secondly, studies the inner link between the characteristic and the micro-water content of transformer insulation oil by simulating the Extended Debye model equivalent circuit. Then, obtains the divide line of transformer insulation oil damp or not, though mouths of data of transformer insulation oil micro-water content and the initial slope peak time. Finally, the analysis results show that the method in this paper provides a new idea to diagnose micro-water content of transformer insulation oil.
Key words :
oil-paper insulation
insulation oil
initial slope
peak time
出版日期: 2016-10-26
作者简介 : 黄国泰(1987-),男,福建安溪人,汉族,工程师,主要研究方向为电力设备可靠性研究。
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Huang Guotai, Guo Didi. Apply Initial Slope Feature Amount for Evaluating the Micro-water Content of Transformer Insulation Oil. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(10): 53-58.
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