PM10 与绝缘子积污特性的关系研究
李伟性, 张富春, 廖鹏, 谢庆云
超高压输电公司广州局,广州 565000
Research on the Relationship between PM10 and Insulator Filth Characteristics
Li Weixing, Zhang Fuchun, Liao Peng, Xie Qingyun
Guangzhou Bureau of EHV Power Transmission Company, Guangzhou 565000
摘要 为研究PM10 与绝缘子积污特性之间的关系、掌握绝缘子表面积污特性,笔者将PM10 、污秽(盐密、灰密)及微气象在线监测技术应用于输电线路中。开展对现场运行中PM10 、绝缘子污秽(盐密、灰密)及环境温湿度在线监测数据的分析研究,建立了PM10 、绝缘子表面污秽度(盐密、灰密)和环境温湿度等因素之间的相互关系模型,提出了PM10 与绝缘子污秽度(盐密/灰密)之间存在明显的线性对比关系模型。研究结果表明,笔者设计的PM10 、盐密、灰密在线监测装置,能够准确地反应现场绝缘子的污秽状况,能够为线路清扫提供准确判据,对逐步实现电网状态检修具有积极意义。
关键词 :
PM10 ,
污秽 ,
盐密 ,
灰密 ,
温湿度 ,
污闪 ,
Abstract :In order to study the relationship between PM10 and the filth characteristics of insulator, and to master the filth characteristics of the surface area, the author applies PM10 , filth (salt, ash) and micro meteorological on-line monitoring technology to transmission line. The analysis and Research on the on-line monitoring data of PM10 , insulator contamination (salt, ash) and environmental temperature and humidity were carried out in the field, and the relationship between the PM10 and the surface contamination degree (salt density, dust density) and the environment temperature and humidity were established. The linear correlation model was put forward. The research results show that the PM10 , salt and ash dense on-line monitoring device can accurately reflect the filth condition of the insulator, and can provide accurate criterion for the line cleaning.
Key words :
temperature and humidity
filth flashover
leakage current
出版日期: 2016-11-24
李伟性, 张富春, 廖鹏, 谢庆云. PM10 与绝缘子积污特性的关系研究[J]. 电气技术, 2016, 17(11): 133-135.
Li Weixing, Zhang Fuchun, Liao Peng, Xie Qingyun. Research on the Relationship between PM10 and Insulator Filth Characteristics. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(11): 133-135.
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