广西大学电气工程学院,南宁 530004
The Method of Small Current Grounding Fault Line Selection based on EMD and FIR Filter
Yan Yan
Guangxi University of Electrical Engineering, Nanning 530004
摘要 针对小电流接地系统发生单相接地故障时,各线路零序电流暂态分量复杂、非平稳、非线性、受噪声干扰严重的问题,提出一种小电流接地系统故障选线新方法。该方法通过EMD(empirical mode decomposition)算法对各线路零序电流进行分解,提取高频分量,再用FIR滤波器对各线路零序电流高频分量进行滤波,选择含暂态特征最明显的有效频带,最后比较有效频带的能量大小进行选线,通过仿真验证该方法准确可靠性。
关键词 :
小电流接地系统 ,
故障选线 ,
EMD算法 ,
有效频带 ,
Abstract :Aiming at the single phase to ground fault in small current grounding system, the transient component of zero sequence current of each line is complex, non-stationary, nonlinear, and the serious problem of noise interference, a new fault line selection method for small current grounding system is proposed. This method decomposes the zero sequence current of each line by EMD (empirical mode decomposition) algorithm, extraction of high frequency components, and using FIR filter to filter the high frequency component of zero sequence current of each line, selecting the most obvious effective band. Finally, by comparing the energy of the effective frequency band to select the line. The simulation results show that the method is accurate and reliable.
Key words :
small current grounding system
fault line detection
EMD algorithm
selected frequency band
FIR filter
出版日期: 2017-04-19
作者简介 : 闫 严(1991-),男,四川省绵阳市人,在读硕士研究生,主要研究方向为电力系统故障诊断和继电保护。
闫严. 基于EMD与FIR滤波的小电流接地故障选线方法[J]. 电气技术, 2017, 18(4): 56-60.
Yan Yan. The Method of Small Current Grounding Fault Line Selection based on EMD and FIR Filter. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(4): 56-60.
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