Abstract:In order to simulate the lightning electromagnetic pulse field in far-field to carry out the research on the influence of the electronic information equipment by the lightning electromagnetic field in the sky, the author conducts a further analysis on the characteristics of spatial LEMP waveform, and theoretically makes a research on the correlation between the LEMP and the lightning return stroke channel base current in different levels. Through theoretical derivation and approximation, the author concludes the relations between spatial LEMP and return stroke channel base current in the far field based on the TL model. Compareing the waveforms of the exact expressions and approximate expressions of the lightning electromagnetic field, it is concluded that the waveform of the spatial LEMP in the far-field, which has a certain distance with the earth, and the waveform of the return stroke channel base current are similar locally. And the suitable height of their approximate relations increased with the increasing of horizontal distance, tending to act as a linear increasing.
王李鹏, 王晓嘉. 空间LEMP的远场近似特性[J]. 电气技术, 2018, 19(10): 10-15.
Wang Lipeng, Wang Xiaojia. The approximation characteristics of spatial LEMP in far-field. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(10): 10-15.
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