张超敏, 王雪娇
江苏职业技术学院无锡机电分院,江苏 无锡 214028
Design of voice recognition intelligent curtain controller based on SCM
Zhang Chaomin, Wang Xuejiao
Wuxi Machinery and Electron Higher Professional and Technical School of Jiangsu Union Technocal Institute, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214028
摘要 系统以单片机STC89C52芯片作为主控模块,可以对窗帘实现光照度检测、语音识别、按键手动等智能控制功能。光照度模块采集室外光照度数据上传至单片机,单片机发送控制指令驱动步进电动机驱动模块,控制步进电动机转动实现窗帘的自动开合,LCD显示屏显示实时的温度和时间。同时,系统还具备手动控制功能,通过语音识别模块或按键控制窗帘的开合。通过仿真验证该系统性能稳定、结构简单、抗干扰能力强、成本低廉、能够满足智能家居的需求。
关键词 :
单片机 ,
智能窗帘 ,
语音识别 ,
Abstract :The core of the device is SCM STC89C52, and modular design is applied to control the Intelligent Curtains. The luminance sensing module and temperature sensing module are used to monitor the outdoor luminance in real time. MCU controls the forward and backward rotation of the stepping motor through the driving module of the stepping motor to simulate the opening or closing of the curtain. The temperature and time are displayed on the LCD screen. At the same time, the system has manual control function, the voice recognition module and buttons to control the opening and closing of the curtain. The system has stable performance, simple structure, strong anti-interference ability, low cost and can meet the demand of smart home.
Key words :
intelligent curtain
voice recognition
light detection
收稿日期: 2018-06-01
出版日期: 2019-03-19
作者简介 : 张超敏(1987-),女,江苏省无锡市人,硕士研究生,中级职称,主要从事控制理论与控制工程方面的研究工作。
张超敏, 王雪娇. 基于单片机的语音识别智能窗帘控制器的设计[J]. 电气技术, 2019, 20(3): 84-88.
Zhang Chaomin, Wang Xuejiao. Design of voice recognition intelligent curtain controller based on SCM. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(3): 84-88.
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