周峰, 刘迎澍, 安笑蕊
天津大学电气与自动化工程学院, 天津 300072
Embedded IEEE 1588 Precision Clock Synchronization Achieved
Zhou Feng, Liu Yingshu, An Xiaorui
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072
摘要 针对分布式控制系统对于时钟同步的要求, 设计了基于硬件辅助标记时间戳的方式实现IEEE1588精确时钟同步协议的嵌入式以太网通信软硬件系统, 重点介绍了时钟同步模块的软硬件架构。在平台测试中, 系统主从时钟模块实现了高精度时钟同步, 并分析比对了不同同步报文发送周期下的时钟同步测试结果。
关键词 :
嵌入式 ,
以太网 ,
IEEE1588 ,
时钟同步 ,
Abstract :To meet the requirements of clock synchronization for distributed control systems, anembedded Ethernet communication hardware and software system is designed, which based onhardware-assisted timestamp way to realize the IEEE 1588 Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol. Inthis system, the hardware and software architecture of the clock synchronization module is introducedby great length. The master and slave clock module achieves high-precision clock synchronization inplatform test. In addition, the clock synchronization test results in different synchronous messagetransmission cycle are analyzed and compared.
Key words :
iEEE 1588
clock synchronization
收稿日期: 2014-06-26
出版日期: 2013-07-25
作者简介 : 刘学民(1977-)本科, 工程师, 自2000 年至今从事变压器产品出厂试验的技术研究工作。
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Zhou Feng, Liu Yingshu, An Xiaorui. Embedded IEEE 1588 Precision Clock Synchronization Achieved. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(04): 44-47.
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